Our services support whānau in achieving their parenting aspirations. Through that journey we hear and see the things that matter most to whānau, and the barriers that get in their way. 

We know every parent needs support at some stage, and the challenges parents face can be complex and affect any of us at any time.   

Whānau Āwhina Plunket is committed to achieving health equity for all tamariki in Aotearoa.

Providing safe, appropriate and positive support for all whānau, along with integrating and working with other community services will help us support whānau to achieve their wellbeing aspirations.  

Achieving equity for whānau Māori and Pacific families is a top priority at Whānau Āwhina Plunket.

Continuing to build and maintain positive relationships with iwi, hapū and kaupapa Māori services will allow us to support the elimination of inequities and ensure our decisions are always centred around this goal.  

What we champion

  • We believe that everyone benefits when we put the needs of tamariki first. 
    • No tamariki should be living in poverty. 
    • All tamariki should live in warm, dry healthy homes. 
    • All tamariki should be safe and protected from all forms of harm, always.  
  • Tamariki are healthy and well when the whānau is healthy and well. 
    • All whānau deserve to be supported in building healthy relationships with their tamariki. 
    • All whānau need access to support for maternal and paternal mental health. 

Read our submissions











Creating the change

We carry out a number of activities to try and create change, both within our own organisation, and across Government and other agencies.

We make formal submissions to Government, we engage across the sectors and we usually do so alongside others. We believe in working collectively to make the greatest impact we can.

Find out more about Plunket’s advocacy partners.

Your voice matters

We want to know what is important to you, your whānau and your community. You can engage with us anytime by contacting plunket@plunket.org.nz.

Your support matters

We know how much of a privilege it is to be able to walk into the homes of so many whānau in Aotearoa. 

The lived experiences of the whānau we serve and the stories they chose to share with is precious, and we take our role in listening to those voices seriously.

If you would like to collaborate with us, we welcome the kōrero. You can engage with us anytime by contacting plunket@plunket.org.nz.