Dame Fran Wilde



Dame Fran Wilde was appointed as Chairperson of the Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust in November 2020.

As a previous Government Minister, Mayor of Wellington, and Chair of numerous international and national boards and the Greater Wellington Regional Council, Dame Fran brings decades of leadership and political and business experience to support and steer Whānau Āwhina Plunket over the coming years.  

In addition to being appointed a Companion of the Queen’s Service Order in 1996, she was made first a Companion, and in 2017, a Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit, recognising her services to the community and State in both Wellington and across Aotearoa. Dame Fran has also been named Wellingtonian of the Year in 1995, and in 2019 won Deliotte’s Top 200 Visionary Leader award.

Dame Fran is passionate about crafting a better future for Kiwis and ensuring every pēpi and tamariki has the opportunity to thrive in Aotearoa.

In her spare time, Dame Fran is an avid gardner with a large vegetable and flower garden and enjoys spending time with her husband Chris, their four children and nine mokopuna.

Tracey Bridges

Tracey joined Whānau Āwhina Plunket as a board member in November 2020. She has a wealth of business, communication/marketing and governance experience as well as strong involvement in the social and not-for profit sector.

She is the co-founder The Good Registry, a social enterprise which helps people support causes they care about by replacing unwanted gifts with donations to their favourite charity. She’s Chair of the Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency, and sits on the Boards of WELLfed Charitable Trust, the Digital Media Trust and the Wellington Regional Stadium Trust.

Tracey is passionate about making a difference by ensuring all tamariki are at the centre of our social, political and economic lives and decision making.

Outside of her governance roles, Tracey enjoys spending time buried in a good book, spending time with her whānau and playing sports.

Matthew Harker

Matthew joined Plunket's board in 2016 and is proud to support Plunket’s ambitious path for generational change to promote healthy tamariki, confident whānau and connected communities.

Matthew has extensive governance experience of large organisations delivering social housing, health, aged care and developing large-scale public private partnership projects.  He has a background in corporate finance, and mergers and acquisitions and has previously held senior roles at leading international investment banks – UBS, Rothschild and Societe Generale.

Since returning to New Zealand, Matthew has had governance roles with the Tāmaki Regeneration Company, Treasury, Hobsonville Land Company (now HLC), Housing New Zealand Corporation and Haumaru Housing.  He brings a deep commitment to community development and improved delivery of care and services into vulnerable communities.

Matthew is confident that Plunket can deliver on its vision, and is excited to help Plunket provide every New Zealand child with the best possible start in life.

Tarati Blair-Hunt

Ko Mahuhu ki te Rangi tōku waka
Ko Ngā Oho, ko Te Urungutu, ko Te Taoū, ko Te Uri o Hau ōku hapu
Ko Ngāti Whātua tōku iwi
Ko Tarati Blair-Hunt taku ingoa
Nō Ōrākei

Tarati has worked in community health in the last decade, managing medical centres for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and more recently for Auckland City Mission. Tarati’s primary focus is to embed cultural principles within clinical practice and is part of an Auckland collective that has developed a kaupapa Māori framework to assist homeless people in housing.

Tarati owns a physiotherapy practice with her husband and they have five children who are all Plunket babies. Tarati believes in the Plunket service being delivered to all the community.  

Marama Parore

Marama joined Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s board in January 2022, bringing her passion for making a difference in achieving good health and social outcomes.

Since working as a kaiāwhina for Plunket in Porirua in 1988, she has gained more than 20 years’ experience working in the health sector for a range of government and non-government organisations, focusing on Māori health.

She is currently the Director of Māori Health at Kahui Tuitui Tangata – TAS, which sees her working to drive change through collaboration and big picture thinking.

Marama is a proud māmā of four and a serious tramper, a pastime which took her all the way to the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro in 2008. This is a wāhine who is definitely not afraid of climbing mountains!

Fiona K Wiremu

Fiona (Tūhoe, Ngāti Ranginui) joined Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s board in early 2022, with more than a decade of experience in governance roles across a range of purpose-led organisations behind her.

Her involvement in academic research has seen her develop specialised skills in mātauranga Māori health and community development, Whai Rawa (Māori Economies), Te Taiao (Natural Environment), and Mauri Ora (Human Flourishing and Wellbeing).

She is the Chair of the largest regional kaupapa Māori Health, Social and Employment provider in Aotearoa, Chair of a kaupapa Māori Medical Centre and Deputy Chair of a Primary Health Organisation in addition to teaching indigenous-business at a Whare Wānanga, Fiona is passionate about helping Iwi- Māori led organisations to weave their ūara and matapono through their practice to enhance their day-to-day activities and give strength to their kaupapa.