Our vision
He huanui oranga mo ngā mokopuna whakatipuranga roto i ngā hapori heke iho, heke iho.
Setting the path of wellness in our communities for the early years, for generations to come.
Our Goals
Pae ora: Healthy futures
• Mauri ora: Healthy babies and children
• Whānau ora: Healthy confident families
• Wai ora: Healthy environments and connected communities
Our Equity Goal
All our services will be delivered equitably by 2025.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, people have differences in health that are avoidable, unfair and unjust. Equity recognises that different people with different levels of advantage require different approaches and resources to get equitable health outcomes.
Ministry of Health, March 2019
“Whānau is at the heart of everything we do. We’re working with providers and communities across Aotearoa to achieve health equity, and improve the way we provide services to truly meet the needs of whānau and their tamariki.”
– Whānau Āwhina Plunket Chief Executive Fiona Kingsford
Our mission
Whānau Āwhina Plunket is committed to giving every New Zealand child the best possible start.
We will achieve this through:
- health equity for all whānau
- improving Māori health outcomes by:
- building on the work of Horizon 1 & 2 of our Māori Strategy (2000 & 2015) through Horizon 3 (2020) - Te Rautaki Māori – Ngā Pae o te Harakeke;
- underpinning our Māori Strategy are intent statements which will be formed to create the conditions of pro-equity:
- Kaupapa 1: Mohiotanga: Setting the foundation of knowledge so that we can grow and stand strong with the communities we serve and the communities who support us.
- Kaupapa 2: Hononga: Building strategic partnerships and a collective approach to our pro-equity journey.
- Kaupapa 3: Ponotanga: Earning right to stand and be trusted advisors in Pae Ora.
When the above is achieved then Kaupapa 4 can be achieved:
- Kaupapa 4: Mana Taurite: The achievement of equitable access and outcome for whānau Māori we serve.
Other activities include:
- the appointment of a Kaitohu Matua - Chief Advisor Māori Health
- partnering with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to create the Mere Harper and Ria Tikini Memorial Scholarship
- reclaiming Whānau Āwhina Plunket’s full whakapapa through our new visual identity
- reinforcing our digital channels by:
- creation of this website (made possible by KPS) and designed with feedback from you, with the topics you want to read about like co-sleeping and child health concerns
- prioritised virtual services to support you and your whānau, wherever you are in New Zealand
- supporting Plunket people to continue the incredible work they do across Aotearoa.