Winter is here and so are the seasonal coughs, colds and bugs doing the rounds, making many people sick - including tamariki. 

Chief Nurse Dr Zoë Tipa says there have been several respiratory virus outbreaks in children under five around different parts of the country recently.

“There is often a surge in respiratory infections, influenza and other illnesses in winter and they spread easily among children in schools and daycare. It can be a really stressful time for the whole whānau, the very nature of winter means we spend more time indoors in close proximity with others making us more likely to pick up bugs. 

“When your child is sick it’s important to give them plenty of fluids, keep them home from playgroup, daycare, kōhanga or preschool, and to give them extra rest and extra comfort.

“If you are worried about your child, or they have a fever and you’re unsure of what to do, you can call PlunketLine anytime on 0800 933 922. Your call will be answered by our Plunket nurses who will be able to support you and advise if you need additional health support from pharmacies, your doctor or need urgent care,” says Dr Tipa.


Top tips for caring for your sick child

  • Give your child plenty of fluids (they may not be hungry)
  • Allow extra rest and provide extra comfort
  • Keep your child home from playgroup or preschool so other kids don’t get sick 
  • Rest when your child rests, so you can catch up on some sleep too 
  • Seek urgent medical help by calling 111 for a baby or a young child if you notice the following:
    • They have a headache, stiff neck, and a rash
    • They have sudden and severe tummy pain
    • They are floppy, irritable or not responsive
    • They are having difficulty breathing.

More resources on our website

Taking care of a sick child
Coughs, colds, breathing and fever