Common kupu (words)

Below is a table showing some of the common te reo Māori words you might see while browsing the site, along with their English definitions.

Did you know: Māori has been an official language of New Zealand since 1987?

Kupu (word) Meaning
Aotearoa New Zealand
aroha love
awhi/awhinā help
hapori community
hapū pregnant
harakeke flax
hīkoi walk, march
hui meeting
iwi tribe
kai food
karakia prayer
Kaumātua elder
Kia ora Hello, thank you
Kōhanga Reo Māori language preschool
mahi work
māmā mother
mana authority, power, prestige
Pākehā person of European descent
pēpi/pēpē baby
tamariki child/children
tāngata whenua indigenous people - people of the land
taonga treasure, prized, valued
te Reo Māori the Māori language
tīpuna/tupuna ancestor(s)
wahakura woven baby basket
wahine, wāhine woman, women
waka canoe, vehicle
whakapapa history, especially ancestral lineage
whānau family