How Trusts and Grants help children thrive

We love working with grant funders who share our commitment to the health and wellbeing of pēpi and children. Their generous support allows Whānau Āwhina Plunket to provide support services like our community groups for parents and their tamariki to learn, play and grow together. Or our injury prevention programmes, to make sure home environments are safe for growing children, and car seats correctly installed for whānau on the move

Grants also enable us to ensure our facilities are updated so Whānau Āwhina Plunket can deliver services in safe and welcoming places within our communities.

Our Grant Funders

The various trusts and foundations listed below have been incredibly instrumental in keeping Plunket services in operation over the last year.



The Plunket Foundation is a Charitable Trust established as an endowment Fund to support the long-term sustainability of Whānau Āwhina Plunket.

KPS Society

The Karitane Products Services is a trust set up to support significant Plunket initiatives. Plunket thanks KPS for enabling the creation of this website for all New Zealand whānau.

A charitable gaming trust that makes funds available for any charitable, philanthropic or cultural purpose that offers real and lasting benefits to the community - large or small. The Lion Foundation and Plunket have been in a partnership at a National level since 2009.

The South Island's largest philanthropic funder supports Plunket in Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson and the Chatham Islands. The Rātā Foundation and Plunket have been in partnership for several years.

BayTrust supports community groups serving the Bay of Plenty, to help build, strengthen and enhance present and future Bay of Plenty communities. BayTrust has been supporting Plunket for several years.


The Toi Foundation, based in Taranaki, is committed to reducing economic and social disparities by funding where there is the greatest need. Plunket is grateful for the support from the Toi Foundation is this region. 

The Trusts Community Foundation (TTCF) supports communities throughout New ZealandTTCF has been a wonderful supporter of Plunket community services across the motu. 

Central Lakes Trust (CLT) is a charitable trust that grants funds for charitable purposes within the Central Lakes district. Plunket is grateful for the support from CLT, recently moving to a multi-year grant.

Community Trust South (CTS) supports community groups who work in various sectors for a wide range of purposes aligned with their strategic Vision. Funding from CTS supports Plunket Community Services throughout Southland, Queenstown, Glenorchy and Arrowtown areas.

Queries about our Grants, Trusts & Foundations

We love working with grant funders who are just as committed to families as we are.

If you're interested in finding out more, please email our Grants team at 

Email Grants team