Caring Together for Whānau
In the spirit of Caring Together, the first HUGGIES® Nappy Bank was established in 2017 in South Auckland, and extended to Christchurch in early 2021. Over this time HUGGIES® has donated nearly 3 million nappies that have been gifted to whānau in need through Plunket Nurses.
"The Huggies Nappy Bank is a huge help to families that struggle to afford the basics. Plunket staff do enjoy being able to give these items away and they can also help with access to hard to reach families that are often those needing us most. Thanks Huggies."
Carline Gieseg - Whānau Āwhina Plunket, Christchurch
HUGGIES® nappies and wipes are proudly endorsed by Whānau Āwhina Plunket, ensuring your baby has superior protection from first hug to their first steps and beyond.
Supporting whānau together!