Live chats

Our live chats are run twice a month by our PlunketLine team. They're a great opportunity for you to find out more about different topics – and to ask questions.

We’ll promote upcoming chats through our Plunket New Zealand Facebook page but you can also view them live on Instagram and YouTube. We hold some live chats at lunchtime and others in the evening, but you can always catch up on Facebook or YouTube after the event. You can also send us your questions in advance.

Live chat topics include:

As well as public health responses to events concerning our parents and caregivers, like novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and measles.

Virtual bites

Get advice and support and chat with our wonderful Community Karitāne and community services coordinators in our monthly virtual bites sessions.

Virtual bites are free webinar-style meetings held on Microsoft Teams, which is free to download. We cover a range of popular parenting topics like sleep and settling, toilet learning, starting solids and development. Browse what we have coming up next month below and click the button to register.

April 2025 Virtual Bites

Topic Date Booking link
Pēpi and you - infant massage Monday 7 April, 11am Register
Sleep and settling: 0-3 months Monday 7 April, 1pm Register
Sleep and settling: 3-6 months Monday 14 April, 11am Register
First foods: for babies starting solids Monday 14 April, 1pm Register
Brain development: the first 1,000 days Tuesday 15 April, 1:30pm Register
Food progression: for babies moving on from puréed food Monday 28 April, 11am Register